Wednesday 10 February 2016

Short Jokes

Teacher:What are some products of the West Indies?
Student:i don't know.
Teacher:of course,you do.where do you get sugar from?
Student:We borrow it from our neighbor.


Teacher:could you please pay a little attention here?
Student:Yes mam,I am Paying as little attention as i can.!!!


An E.N.T. Professor retired from college.
In the farewell college faculty gifted him a siver ear thanking the 
Faculty the professor said:Thank God I am not a


Teacher:Can anybody give an example of coincidence?
Pappu:sir,my mother and father got married on the same day,same time...


Teacher:How old is your dad.
Student:He is as old as i am.
Teacher:How is it possible?
Student:Because he became a dad only after i was born...


johnny asked to sam what they will do that night.
Sam said "we will flip a coin 
Then Johnny said "If it comes head,we will go for movies.
If tails,we will play cards,If it stands on edge,we will study.....


Customer:Waiter,waiter!There is a frog in my soup!!!

Waiter:Sorry,sir.the fly is on vacation


Patient:Doctor,I have a pain in my eye whenever i drink tea.
Doctor:Take the spoon out of the mug before you drink.

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